Vinjey Spectrogram (VSPEC) is VINJEY's implementation of Spectrogram. The audio decoder samples at before IDCT are passed through VSPEC at pre-defined spectrum bands ( 30 bands configured) in real-time to provide spectral analysis with amplitude level in dB and frequency bin information with post processing algorithms. VSPEC algorithm has been developed from scratch keeping in mind MIPS and memory requirements of resource constrained embedded devices .
Product Flowchart (BP_FC):
Encoded Audio Stream (VAAC/ VWMA/ VOV/ VMP3)
SPECTRAL OUTPUT (Amplitude - dB, Frequency Bin - Hz)
Salient Features:
Available on number of RISC/DSP platforms
MIPS and Memory Optimized implementation
Simple API and Interface for decoding
Sample Application to aid faster integration
Extensively tested
Bit accurate PC Code
24 Bit Output Support
Sampling rate supported : 48000 / 44100 Hz
Number of audio channels supported : Mono / Stereo channels
Audio Channel format supported : Interleaved
Number of Spectrogram bands supported : 30 bands
VSPEC documents
VSPEC trial version
We are currently working on porting and optimizing VSPEC onto more platforms apart from the platforms listed above. For more information or product flyer
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