The Bluetooth low complexity, sub band codec (SBC) is described in specification of the Advance Audio Distribution profile. SBC is designed for Bluetooth audio and video applications to obtain high quality audio at medium bitrates, and having a low computational complexity.
VSBCE is an independent implementation of SBC Encoder developed from scratch by VINJEY Software, keeping in mind with the MIPS and Memory requirements of resource constrained embedded solutions. VINJEY SBC Decoder solution is fully compliant with the Bluetooth specifications.
Sailent Features
Available on number of RISC/DSP platforms.
MIPS and Memory Optimized implementation.
Conforms to Bluetooth Specifications
Supported Configurations
Simple API and Interface for decoding.
Sample Application to aid faster integration.
Comprehensive error handling.
Extensively tested.
Bit accurate PC Code.
TMS320C64x+/DM64xx DSPs
We are currently working on porting and optimizing VSBC Encoder onto more platforms apart from the platforms listed above. For more information or product flyer
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