Values/Capabilities |
- Royality free model
- Business and cost impact
- Low memory footprint solutions
- Time to Market
- Product Customization
- IP Solutions
- Assured Quality
- Proven Performance
- Integration Services
- Unique partnership model
VINJEY Audio is an easy-to-integrate high quality player/recorder solution for both portable and professional audio appliances. The VINJEY Audio brings all the features, audio SOC/OEM vendor’s demand of complete player solutions, to deliver high-quality music experience even on constrained SOC platforms. The VINJEY Audio software supports all key formats, including MP3, FLAC,OGG VORBIS,WMA LOSELESS,WMA PRO,SBC and WMA, wrapped in essential set of must-have add-ons like EQ, Sample Rate Converter, Dynamic Range Control, Parametric Equalizer, Mixer to provide complete plug-n’-play solution for any vendor. The Vinjey Audio software is optimized for all portable ARM-based processors (including ARM9, ARM 11, Cortex™-M3) as well as major DSPs used in professional devices to achieve best in class power efficiency and BOM/channel cost.
- MIPS and Memory Optimized implementation.
- Simple API and Interface for decoding.
- Sample Application to aid faster integration.
- Comprehensive error handling.
- Extensively tested.
- Bit accurate PC Code.
- Reentrant.
- Sample accurate seek.
- Partial input decoding.
- Small Memory Footprint
- Low CPU Usage for all decoders
- Fully compliant to open standards
- Easy integration and fast time to market
- Time-proven solution – already used in numerous devices worldwide
- Highest sound quality for most demanding applications
- Audio processing add-on’s available
- Audio SOCs
- Portable media players
- Digital Audio players
- Electronic Book Readers
- Car Electronics
- Set –top boxes